Monday, February 25, 2013

Back on the Wagon

What do you think of when you hear "on the wagon?" I imagine most people think of abstaining from alcoholic beverages. In my case, I'm referring to eating properly and exercising. With Purim following about a weekful of virus, I've been off my wagon for awhile. And I usually eat properly and avoid temptation (chocolate, cake, candy, etc) by having access only to healthy food. Yesterday, however, temptation poured itself directly into my house! I have a very hard time resisting chocolate delivered to my door. So having imbibed following a week or so of slovenliness, I feel like the blob. Consequently right now, I'm telling you, internet, I'm getting back on my wagon tomorrow. I'm hopeful I'll run 1.5-2 miles and gradually work back up to 3. And no more nosh and chocolate. Thank you, internet, for keeping me somewhat accountable.


  1. Hi so nice to find you blog! Thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment. Life to me is a constant battle of getting back on the wagon. Good luck with it all!

    1. My first comment--yay! I enjoy your blog, and now that I'm dipping my toe in, I can REALLY appreciate your blog. Thank you for stopping by and for your gracious comment.

  2. Thank you for commenting on my blog! I'm new to this, too. That darn wagon is also trouble for me. Good luck to you!

